Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Senior Dancers on DWTS

Why DO they include seniors?
Hello all
Why are they including seniors in the show? I love seniors, but I think it is a bit cruel to even ask them to compete against these 20 "somethings" athletes or athlete types. I mean, really!!! Truthfully, as fierce as this competition is getting with the choreography being so demanding physically, it seems a bit odd. Maybe ABC thinks it will improve their viewer ratings to have seniors on, but let's face it--what senior could dance with the power that "cheetah" girl does? (I don''t know her name, but she is GOOD-I'm a ballroom dancer so I know). This time I truly believe that Wayne, as much as I love him, should have been eliminated, but
things are going a bit "funny". Maybe a billion of his fans called in and turned the tide. Anyway, I don't care whether the judges said Jane Seymour's mambo was an "English mambo" or not--SHE DID GOOD!!! I hope she will choose to continue. bye bye L.Jeannie

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