Wednesday, September 26, 2007

You know me--it is DWTS again!

Those dancers!
Since men have won every season but one, I'm interested in knowing--will it be a man this time again or a woman? I think the men won possibly because they were doing such athletic aerial type move executions. Maybe one of these high energy ladies will win. I still have a soft spot for Jane Seymour and even if she doesn't win, she will be my winner. (oh, how gooey I sound!) Keep dancing ! I must say a few of the dancers are, well,...
L. Jeannie

Monday, September 24, 2007

Wow--what a an exciting premiere


The pros are doing some great choreography here and the women (except the first one) all did a good job. The Fox Trot is actually a harder dance to get get good ratings in when you are in a competition and my favorite female dancer tonight was Jane Seymour. Truthfully, I could see a lot of poise and confidence in her routine, and it is my experienced opinion some of that came from her ballet work as a little girl. Amazing what that kind of experience can bring to learning ballroom dancing. I have seen it many times before.
I hope she either wins or places well.
Since I dance myself (I am not an instructor but have danced for years) I suppose I see the show a bit differently than some. I look at the technique, the footwork (footwork is important) the styling and of course the authenticity of the dance. They were all having fun tonite, weren't they? Or at least that is how they made it look. I love dancing. bye bye Jeannie

Friday, September 21, 2007


Hello again,
Last time I titled my post In The Mood because I was thinking about that great (our favorite) swing tune that Glenn Miller wrote "In The Mood". 6 minutes of great swing music. anyway last time I got carried away telling you about my friend the "dance man".

I have not posted for a few days and I have missed it and I have not danced and that is not good either. Dancing is an automatic "attitude adjustment" as I call it. An automatic mood elevator. If you are just starting you will soon see what I mean, if you have not already noticed it.

We have a great dance floor that we built (it is a "floating" dance floor) in our basement and then we decorated the rather large room as a 50's diner and put up a wall of mirrors. We have had some great parties there and it is a great place to practice. I will soon be adding a page to my web site explaining in detail how to build just such a floor. If you would like to see a photo of the floor please visit:

Do you swing dance? west coast swing? jitterbug? east coast swing (or triple time swing)? Please let me know all your dance interests. bye for now. Jeannie

Friday, September 14, 2007


Friday evening,
I can't believe Friday is here already. I talked to one of my favorite dance instructors yesterday; he is also a good friend. What a great dancer he is! Here is how you know when a man is a good dancer (tip) no matter what dance he asks you to dance with him, he is a smooth dancer (moves with the beat) AND he can lead you into any move, whether you've performed it before or not. That is the kind of dancer my friend is. What a blast it is to dance with him.
Hope you all are doing well. I am tired -- I am at the computer late again tonite so I must go. I have two little dachschunds that need medicine tonight.
Why don't you think about when and where you will go dancing soon? It is starting into the season where dancing is an activity people get more interested in. bye bye Jeannie

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Dancing is FABULOUS

Good Morning!
First of all my favorite dance is the waltz because of its gracefulness and beauty. It is considered a smooth dance. I met my hubby at a dance when he asked me to waltz. He is a very good dancer, by the way. We both consider dancing a hobby, we even have a large dance floor in our basement. Do you dance? Which is your favorite?
I missed logging on yesterday--I went to the gym to get my swim laps in--another hobby I guess you could say. My shoulders are not good. No rotator cuffs and no way to fix them plus I have a titanium implant shoulder, so the swim laps I do are kicking, which is obviously good for the legs. Fun though, I do love the water.
So please let me know what you like about dancing. It has so many wonderful aspects.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

My first chance

Hello there!
It is late and I am tired but glad that I now have a place to talk about my love for ballroom dancing, social dancing really. I will talk with you tomorrow. It is late.